Drostanolone propionate
February 20, 2023
Boldenone Acetate
February 20, 2023Testosterone Cypionate
10 vials 1 ml
Each ml contains: Testosterone Cypionate USP 250 mg
Testosterone Cypionate
Each ml contains: Testosterone Cypionate USP 250 mg PHARMACOLOGICAL
Male sex hormones
In the eunuch and eunuchoid male, androgens act to smulate and maintain the secondary sexual
characteriscs associated with the adult male. Androgens influence closure of the epiphyseal lines in
males and some females, administraon of androgens reduces urinary excreon of nitrogen, sodium,
potassium, chloride, phosphorus and water.
Based on a review by the Naonal Academy of Sciences – Naonal Research Council and/or other
informaon, FDA has classified the indicaons for certain androgens as follows: Effecve – In the male: 1.
Eunuchism, eunuchoidism, deficiency aer castraon. 2. Male climacteric symptoms when these are
secondary to androgen deficiency, 3. Oligospermia. Probably Effecve – in the female or male:
Postmenopausal or senile osteoporosis. Androgens are without value as a primary therapy, but may be
of value as adjuncve therapy., Equal or greater consideraon should be given to diet, calcium balance,
physiotherapy, and good general healthpromong measures. Final classificaon of the less-than-effecve
indicaons requires further invesgaon.
Carcinoma of the male breast. Carcinoma known or suspected of the prostate. Cardiac, hepac or renal
decompensaon. Hypercalcaemia. Liver funcon impairment. Prepubertal males. Pregnancy.
Hypercalcaemia may occur in immobilized paents, and in paents with breast cancer. In paents with
cancer this may indicate progression of bony metastasis. If this occurs the drug should be disconnued.
Testosterone propionate must not be used interchangeably with testosterone cypionate, enanthate or
phenylacetate due to the difference in duraon of acon. Do not give intravenously. Watch female paents
closely for signs of virilizaon. Some effects such as voice changes may not be reversible when the drug is
stopped. Due to the prolonged acon of this drug, it should be administered with cauon to paents with
organic heart disease of debilitaon. Paents with cardiac, renal or hepac derangement may retain sodium
and water thus forming oedema. Priapism or excessive sexual smulaon may develop. Oligospermia and
reduced ejaculatory volume may occur aer prolonged administraon or excessive dosage. Hypersensivity
and gynecomasa may occur. When any of these effects appear the androgen should be stopped and if
restarted, a lower dosage should be ulized. The PBI may increase during androgen therapy without
clinical significance. Acne carcinoma decreased ejaculatory volume local irritaon gynecomasa virilizaon
in females oedema hypersensivity, including skin manifestaons and anaphylactoid reacons priapism
hypercalcaemia (especially in immobile paents and those with metastac breast).
Storage instrucon:
Store at room temperature below 30 °C. Protect from light
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